Campaign Closed
Organized by The Edna House
340 Supporters
The Edna House St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Saturday, March 15th, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
In Person
UAW, 5615 Chevrolet Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44130, USA
Campaign Update
2 months ago
Anonymous Rachael soto
about 1 month ago
Maryann Rosenberg made a $55 donation
9 days ago
Paul Fitzpatrick made a $100 donation
10 days ago
Kevin and Margaret made a $250 donation
11 days ago
Kelly Cavanagh purchased a ticket for $30
12 days ago
Maureen Kishna purchased a ticket for $30
Bethany Gealy purchased a ticket for $30
Jennifer Barnes purchased a ticket for $30
Select tickets
General Admission Ticket (Dinner)
General Admission incudes a corned beef dinner, soda, coffee, and desert.
Raffle Ticket (1)
Each ticket purchased goes in a general drawing for one of three prizes. Winners will be drawn at 7:30 pm, March 15. The winners need not be present to win. 1) Cavs Suite for 12 (Oct, Nov or Dec 2025) 2) 6 Cleveland Guardians Club Seats (2025/2026 season) 3) 4 Club Seats for Cleveland Browns (2025/2026 season).
Raffle Tickets (6)
Program Advertisement Only (Half Page)
Completed message or advertisement should be sent in jpeg or pdf format and due by March 1, 2025, to Half-page advertisement dimensions are 5"w x 4"h.
Program Advertisement Only (Full Page)
Completed message or advertisement should be sent in jpeg or pdf format and due by March 1, 2025, to Full page advertisement dimensions are 5"w x 8"h.
Silver Plan Sponsorship
As part of the Silver Plan Sponsorship, you receive four dinner seats at a reserved table, a half-page program advertisement, and sponsorship recognition and logo on fundraiser materials. Please submit payment via GiveButter.
Gold Plan Sponsorship
As part of the Gold Plan Sponsorship, you receive six dinner seats at a reserved table, a half-page program advertisement, and sponsorship recognition and logo on fundraiser materials. Please submit payment via GiveButter.
Completed message or advertisement should be sent in jpeg or pdf format and due by March 1, 2024, to Half-page advertisement dimensions are 5"w x 4"h.
Platinum Plan Sponsorship
As part of the Platinum Plan Sponsorship, you receive eight dinner seats at a reserved table, a full-page program advertisement, and sponsorship recognition and logo on fundraiser materials. Please submit payment via GiveButter.
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Final details
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At the Edna House, life is restored.
The Edna House
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 14-1912872