Free Grace Community Inc

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19% of $10,000 goal

Free Grace Community Outreach

Free Grace Community INC is a 501(c)(3) and our mission is to Love, Serve, and Restore our community. We do this through our monthly outreach where we prioritize serving those who are street homeless and also giving to shelters. Our outreach consist of distributing food, toiletries, and clothing. FGC INC. also offers workshops, bible study, we host community events and yearly retreats, and most of all a community safe space for fellowship. We are a faith based ministry and believe that we are blessed to be a blessing. Sow a seed into our ministry, pray for us, share us. Whatever you choose to do we are GRATEFUL!

Check out our website to stay updated. 

Follow us on IG @freegracesisterhood @FGCINC 


Organized by Free Grace Community Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-4540982