Food Not Bombs food rescue

Food Rescue Fights Food Waste

Consider the amount of resources that go into growing good. Land, water, time, weather, packaging, freight, etc., are just a few things that impact our food chain. When so much food is lost in the food production cycle, it impacts our landfills, our environment, our water, and soil resources, too. Capturing unsold food items is important for using our resources at the community, regional, and national levels more efficiently.

Get Involved as a Food Rescue Donor

There is always more food we can capture as part of the food rescue process. We invite you to join us and connect with our Food Rescue staff to talk about possibilities in using your excess food to provide meals to those facing hunger. If you are in the food industry and are interested in becoming involved in our food rescue program, please contact us. 

Food Rescue Is Protected by Law and May Have Tax Benefits

At times food industry donors are concerned about liability issues surrounding donations of food. To protect food donations made to nonprofit hunger relief organizations, both federal and state laws were created when given in good faith. In addition to protecting your good intentions, food industry donors may be allowed to take their gift of food as a tax deduction.  Be sure to check with your accountant to determine what is allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.

New Mexico Statutes Protecting Food Donors


Organized by HagermanForward Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 27-1406048