Digital Herd Helper

Thank you for choosing our digital year-long membership! Your support goes a long way in supporting the herd and what we do here. All proceeds go towards upholding our mission and directly impact the herd and the farm.


Your Year of Digital Membership includes:

• Your choice to symbolically adopt either Muenster or Gouda!

• Downloadable kit including photos, bio, and an official adoption certificate for your chosen musk ox!

Ox-clusive FOMO Members online extended edition newsletter

• You will receive a link for your digital download in your email


The Musk Ox Development Corporation (MODC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, promotes gentle musk ox husbandry, qiviut production and education to the public.


Organized by Musk Ox Farm
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 92-0104683
[email protected]