Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri

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0% of $5,000 goal

GivingTuesday 2023

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. This year, we ask that you join others in this annual day of philanthropy by supporting the Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri. The mission of the Resource Center is to benefit the lives of individuals with Fragile X-associated disorders and their families through support, education, public awareness, and advocacy.

We are a family-run organization that relies on generosity to make our programs and services happen.

"The FXRCMO changed the trajectory of our lives. We moved to STL in 2015 so our son could benefit from a strong school system, and so we could be surrounded by other families who understood our experience. The connections we've made through FXRCMO are irreplaceable." Jennifer, premutation carrier and mother to a child with Fragile X

Organized by Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri