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4% of $1,000 goal

Winter Gear Fundraiser

"Baby it's Cold Outside" is our December Drive for winter gear for the men and women who are in the frozen trenches fighting for their very freedom.

While you are out shopping this holiday season for your loved ones, please remember these are the people who are fighting for not only their freedom but for the whole of Europe and the Western mindset. They are a thin line that defends what we hold so dear, freedom, democracy, and the right to live, worship, and be an individual the way we see fit. We must help Ukraine in any way that we can, if that means sending hand warmers and providing long underwear and hot cocoa then let's do it! Together we can conquer and divided we will fall. Stand on the right side of justice and history. We can purchase these items in Ukraine and save money on logistics and transport. So the basics are needed, thermal gloves, hand warmers, hot tea and cocoa, long underwear, thermal socks, and hats. Everything you would need to stay warm in subzero conditions for an extended period. Let's do this together, together we are stronger!


Organized by Spirit of Ukraine
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 92-3419406
[email protected]