The Unified Empowerment Initiative

The Unified Empowerment Initiative's (UEI) mission is to create opportunities for extremely impoverished entrepreneurs by empowering them with the tools, resources, and Christ-centered mentorship to build thriving, ethical, and sustainable businesses that elevate their entire communities. Our vision is to see a world where individuals born into poverty are not limited by circumstance, but are empowered to create a future of hope, prosperity, and faith through sustainable businesses.


Our goal for the UEI is to cultivate an environment where humility, innovation, trust, love, and empowerment thrive. The UEI programming will be a multi-stage development process that starts with broad level training and narrows into holistic development, business investment, and mentorship. Based upon the UEI overall mission, individuals that participate in any level will learn baseline, ethical business practices and mindset shift training while being plugged into the local church.

Organized by Love Africa Mission
[email protected]