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Revival for the next generation of New England

God has been unwavering in His love for the Korean church of New England. It has been a privilege for ARISE to be a part of how God has been moving for the past 29 years. See what ARISE has been up to lately in our end of year report!

God’s hand in our community has been so evident throughout the history of ARISE. We have witnessed students receive Jesus at ARISE and return as adults to serve the current generation of youth. Many counselors, speakers, praise team members and staff have grown up attending ARISE events with their local churches. This ministry has grown into a place to not only exercise faith in serving, but also find safety and community for those who seek to grow in their walk with God.

The seeds that have been planted years ago by faithful servants before us are also bearing fruit today. We hope that this community will be fertile ground for faith to grow and take deep root. In faith and obedience, we contend for revival, Christ-centered community, and intergenerational unity, but we cannot do it alone.

As we go into the new year, ARISE is in need of financial support to continue our mission in serving the Korean churches of New England. As we look to the future, we are filling gaps in operations, expanding programs, and stewarding ARISE in the hope that this area will continue to have ARISE as a resource and community for thirty, even sixty more years. As we build operational health and financial sustainability, we are in deep need of your continued partnership. Would you consider giving to ARISE?


Organized by ARISE Ministries
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 04-3533094
[email protected]