Inspired by the life and character of Denise McLaughlin, Girls Mentor Girls would like to award and acknowledge a deserving, dedicated, and selfless young lady who is an active member of her community. As most can agree, life comes with its many challenges and blockades that can set one off track. In living in such a complex world, being a youth member, balancing academics, facing life's disparities, working on learning and growing into who you are, all while being a dedicated volunteer within your own or someone else's community is truly an amazing thing. This scholarship fund will be awarded to a charitable young adult who displays selfless and genuine characteristics. An individual who is consistently working to uplift and support others in any way that she deems fit will be recommended as a recipient for this award. Denise McLaughlin was an active member of her and many other communities around the world. She was proactively working on a variety of things that could change the lives of others without the expectation of something in return. She was a humble and pleasant individual and the impact that she has made on other's has led to the initiation of this scholarship fund. May we be able to acknowledge and reward young ladies who possess similar outstanding and selfless characteristics like Denise.
Organized by Girls Mentor Girls, Inc.