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CCDN Donation Page

Be The Change You Want to See In Your Home, School, Church, & Community

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 Who We Are & What We Do
Community Care Development Network is comprised of leaders in the community to help develop and maintain local programs. Community Care Development Network is a   faith-based non-profit 501c3 Organization that specializes in healing and helping the whole family. Our purpose is to help heal the whole family through our community-based programs.

​​CCDN Mission: Community Care Development Network exists to develop, transform, and restore life to families, adults, teens, and our community to be committed, unified, and mature. 

Vision: Empowering and influencing people to own their potential and create an opportunity for themselves.

Impact Areas: Family & Life Services, Mentoring, Education, and Community Outreach

What community problems do we help solve?

Youth Peer Pressure Challenges, Adult Peer Conflict, Lack of Communication, Education Challenges, Food Insecurity, Financial Barriers, Parental Challenges, Life Skills, and Job Challenges

Here's What We Do!

​Human Support Services: CCDN’s largest program is its Life Services Program, which assists families with human support services such as food, shelter, clothes, financial assistance, resource referrals, etc.).  The program serves approximately 1400-1600 families monthly. 

Family Support Services: CCDN’s Family Support Services Program provides Youth and Family     Mentoring (Precious Pearls of Promise for young ladies 11-18, Diamonds in the Rough for young men 11-18, Parents Helping Parents, and Private  Family Sessions

Education Support Services: CCDN also offers Education Support through its Inspire Education Academy, which assists youth 16 and young adults who did not complete their high school credentials, who are court-involved, and who have life barriers. Inspire also assists with life transition, providing career pathways to hands-on trade programs.

Community Outreach includes our E.L.E.C.T. Teen Summit, Back 2 School Supplies Year-Round, Pop-Up Food Hubs with partners, and collaboration opportunities that meet our organization's mission.


501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 81-0955665