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28% of $5,000 goal

Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender Event - June 10, 2023

Are you concerned about the pervasive gun violence in our country? Would you like to do something concrete to get guns off the street? 

On June 10 from 10:00 until noon, a group of volunteers from 8 local churches will join with churches nationwide for a safe surrender event in conjunction with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and RawTools. Our local event will be held at Good Shepherd Catholic Church and is co-sponsored by the Leon County Sheriff's Department. 

Participants bring guns that they no longer want or use--unloaded and in the trunk of their car. After being inspected by a deputy to assure its safety, each gun will be dismantled using a chop saw, ensuring that it can never be used to harm anyone. The metal will be forged into garden tools, and an instrument of death will be transformed into a tool that promotes life. Those surrendering weapons will be given a gift card as a thank you for disposing of their unwanted guns.

Your support allows us to continue this important work. Thank you for your donation. 

Organized by Guns to Gardens Tallahassee