Leadership Needed Foundation Inc

$ -

10% of $100,000 goal

2024 HBCU/MI Entrepreneurship and Innovations

This campaign is to support HBCU/MI Entrepreneurship and Innovations Program. Your contributions will help HBCU/MI Students to Fullfill Their Entrepreneurial Dream. Your contributions will also help HBCU/MIs to develop entrepreneurship curriculums and special programs in innovations. 

You can sponsor a student for : $1,000

You can sponsor your favorite HBCU team for : $10,000

If you are attending as a mentor or an observer, your cost is $500 to cover all the meals.

You contributions are full tax deductable. Please call me at 404-441-7881 if you have any questions. Our website is:


If you want to see our past speakers, please go to this link: https://hbcumiei.org/pastspeakers/picture

Organized by Leadership Needed Foundation Inc