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52% of $2,500 goal

Hanging Cleats Mission To Casa Esperanza Orphanage (Panama)

Through our missions, Hanging Cleats visits an area where youth are at high risk of drugs abuse and violence and in 2022 our eyes are on Casa Esperanza, an orphanage housing over 3500 children in one of the most marginal and dangerous neighborhoods in Panama's capital city, Ciudad de Panama.

With your help, we are hoping to raise $2,500 of public donations to match with our own private money and will use the funds as follows:

1. Rebuild their multi-purpose (soccer, volleyball and basketball) field, which is currently in really bad shape, with chipped concrete, exposed wires coming out of the ground, broken basketball hoops and soccer goals.

2. Buy enough soccer, basketball and volleyball balls for all of the children to use throughout years to come

3. Host a soccer clinic/unveiling party with our Hanging Cleats team as well as members of Panama's biggest pro team, Tauro FC.

Your donations means a lot to us... but they mean the world to the children we help!

Organized by Hanging Cleats