Fund a Student @ Healing with Horses Ranch

At Healing with Horses Ranch, we celebrate the diverse abilities of all our participants. Disabilities may affect vision, hearing, mobility, cognition, behavior, mental health, communication, & more. Some disabilities are visible, while others are “invisible.” Whether a person is born with a disability or acquires one later in life, they all deserve inclusion, respect, & opportunities.
While self-advocacy & inclusion efforts are helping to fight ableism, people with disabilities still face mistreatment & discrimination. The landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed only 34 years ago, was a major step toward equality, but there’s still work to be done.
At Healing with Horses Ranch, our mission is to create space for healthy relationships between horses & humans, helping students learn transferable life skills in a safe, inclusive environment. We strive to promote resilience & independence in mind, body, & soul through the power of the horse. Our programs foster these values & support individuals of all abilities. We want to continue to grow to meet the needs of the greater Austin area. 
At Healing with Horses Ranch, we believe in providing accessible & affordable services. The percentages listed by each lesson amount equate to the discount our clients receive. Between the cost of the facility, horse care, & instructor pay, a lesson costs us $140. Instead of charging at cost, we automatically give every student a 40% discount. We also offer financial scholarships, based on household income. Our veterans program is free to all participants. You will see this reflected in the options below, which are directly sampled from our active student database. 
Read some of our student testimonials to get a feel for some of the people who's lives you'll be directly impacting.

501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 45-2792151