Sustaining Member Program

Keep LGBTQ Journalism alive in Houston!
For more than 30 years, OutSmart  has been more than just a media outlet—it has been a voice for change. Every story we tell, every voice we amplify, challenges discrimination, uplifts diversity and celebrates the richness of the LGBTQ community. But we need your help to keep this legacy alive. By becoming a sustaining member, YOU ensure that these powerful stories continue. Your support means everything—it’s how we’ll keep informing, inspiring, and driving action for another 30 years and beyond. Together, we can ensure that LGBTQ voices are never silenced. Join us. Become a sustaining member today, and let’s continue making lasting change, one story at a time.




Organized by OutSmart Foundation for LGBTQ News and Media
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 99-1344982
[email protected]