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33% of $50,000 goal

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Our goal at Blessing Bags of Warmth has always been to assist the un-housed and less fortunate

with basic needs, resources and occasionally temporary emergency housing.

As the epidemic of post pandemic homelessness and economic inequality rages on

we are finding the cases of emergency housing needs increasing at an exponential rate.

Especially amongst families and senior citizens.

We recently began the fundraising initiative HAND UP!

With donations received we have helped multiple families on the brink of losing their shelter

access additional resources and retain current housing.

Giving them the boost they needed to regain footing and move forward.

Unfortunately, there are several more families awaiting assistance.

Families teetering on the brink of being outside as temperatures began to fall.

Families that consist of small children, even babies.

This is where YOU come in!!

The average HAND UP required to aid a family in need is $1000.

This is based on the fact that shelter in a local extended stay is around $375 to $450 per WEEK!

This amount does not include transportation, communication, food and anything else the family needs to become stable... JUST HOUSING!! So a true average is closer to $1500 per family.

However, as mentioned above, we mainly want to help families on the brink of losing their shelter.

In order to do this we need YOUR help!

Please make a donation TODAY so that we can continue to keep these families safe.

You may utilize the GiveButter tax deductible option via this page and funds are available to us within 5 - 7 days.

Or send via Zelle where the funds are available immediately.

Please use our email [email protected] and include a note with your email address for a receipt.

Your willingness to help offer a HAND UP when needed in our community is truly appreciated!



Organized by Blessing Bags of Warmth
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-1848959
[email protected]