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13% of $2,000 goal

Friends of Alfred H. Baumann Library Membership Drive

The Friends of the Alfred H. Baumann Free Public Library (FAB) of Woodland Park, NJ is a charitable organization dedicated to helping our public library meet the needs of our community.  FAB is now launching our membership fund drive to help raise funds to support Library Programs that run yearlong for our residents.  We invite you to be a part of this exciting team as we explore opportunities to support our local Library.

Our FAB group is made up of a wide variety of Woodland Park citizens-parents, business owners, local schoolteachers, public servants, senior volunteers and more. As diverse as our backgrounds are, we all have two things in common: 

  1. We love our library and look forward in supporting and utilizing the programs being offered. 
  2. Being a FAB team member supports our involvement in seeing our Library continue to be a viable, contemporary resource for Woodland Park families. 

Please continue to support us by updating your membership or by becoming a new member.

Thank you for your support!


Organized by Friends of the Alfred H Baumann Free Public Library
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 47-3374437
[email protected]