Support Threshold: 2023 Year-end Campaign

First released in 2017, Threshold is a Peabody Award-winning podcast rooted in deep love of the natural world. Each season is a multipart audio documentary that tells a complex environmental story about something we think deserves attention— a species, a place, an idea, a controversy, a question. 

Threshold invites listeners on an audio journey, seeking answers and insights in the places and through the stories of those most invested, impacted and involved. There’s science and history, poetry and politics, conflict and captivating characters. But most of all there are great stories—told with all their beauty, wonder, sadness, joy, outrage, humor, and heartbreak. 

The result is an experience—and a show that is an open invitation to think together about what it means to be alive, in awe of our natural world, in this time of extraordinary planetary change. 

Threshold has been downloaded over 1.55 million times as a podcast, and has reached millions of additional listeners through air time on public radio stations throughout the United States and through partnerships with other podcasts. To date, four seasons of Threshold have been released and two seasons are currently in production. 

Threshold is independently produced by Auricle Productions, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit journalism organization founded by Amy Martin and incorporated in Montana. 


Organized by Auricle Productions
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-2931585
[email protected]