The Fund for Independent Journalism in Monterey County

Your tax-deductible contribution to the Fund for Independent Journalism in Monterey County (a fiscally sponsored program of the Alternative Newsweekly Foundation) supports investigative and enterprise reporting at Monterey County Weekly. For over three decades we have been committed to the core principles of the alt press, producing award-winning journalism that speaks truth to power, tells stories that other publications won’t, and give voice to those who would otherwise go unheard.

The Alternative Newsweekly Foundation is a nonprofit recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN: 30-0100369. No goods or services were provided in return for your contribution. 


Organized by The Fund for Independent Journalism in Monterey County
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 30-0100369
[email protected]