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0% of $5,000 goal

Facing Fertility 2024

Your contribution helps others find encouragement and support- because having a baby is just not as easy as it can seem.

April is Infertility Awareness month. One of the main goals of our program is to help bring awareness to the support needed when experiencing infertility. Thank you for supporting us as we provide support all year to those too aware of infertility and it's impact on their lives.

There are so many layers of pain, disappointment, awkwardness, expense, stress and frustration associated with infertility that people keep hidden from others and sometimes struggle to even admit are happening to themselves. Sharing your struggles in public can feel taboo, and you run the risk of hearing unfair judgment and unsolicited advice. However, shouldering this burden alone, as an individual or a couple, is not healthy, either.

Our program provides a place for people going through infertility to share their similar experiences, understand medical journeys, and participate in a healthy place to vent frustrations. No two stories are the same just like no two people are the same. These stories can be woven together to make something beautiful- friendship. Infertility Support Groups provide a place to comfort and encourage one another, free of judgment and bad advice.

You can help participants to find encouragement through our program. Financial burdens are great for those pursuing infertility specialists. We aim to provide no financial obligations to access support through our program. 

Our program can provide a safe place for people to unite together to be reminded that they are not alone and they are important outside of being someone’s mom or dad.

What Your Support Can Do:

$25 - 45

  • Provide a welcome bag to new participants
  • Help build a resource lending library
  • Help provide refreshments for group participants

$50 - 95

  • Provide a pregnancy loss care package
  • Provide a pregnancy support care package

$100 - 225

  • Sponsor a couples group dinner
  • Help fund guest speakers and presentations on infertility topics
  • Sponsor a monthly group


  • Help access current best practices training on infertility support
  • Sponsor the program for one month

Organized by Connected Nest
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-4759787
[email protected]