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0% of $220 goal

Nova's Leg Is injured ❤️‍🩹

Nova was living on the streets of Houston when Animal Control picked her up and brought her to the shelter. She was due to be euthanized but an adopter came forward and Home Run Hounds was able to pull her from the shelter. It is evident now that Nova must have endured some sort of injury to her back left leg. The vet suggested she may have been hit by a car. She is limping a bit and that leg is deformed. We need to make sure Nova receives the proper care and that involves X-rays, which cost $170. Transport to and from the office for X-rays is around $25 each way. Could you please donate any amount so that we can schedule Nova to have these much needed X-rays? She does not deserve to be in pain after all the she has endured.

Organized by Home Run Hounds Animal Rescue
[email protected]