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11% of $1,500 goal

Juneteenth Jubilee & Cemetery restoration

We are raising funds for our Juneteenth Jubilee table and Silent Auction in Edinburg. All funds raised from this event will go to the ongoing preservation and restoration of the Webber Family Cemetery until we obtain a perpetuity grant. 

If anyone is interested in becoming a sponsor for our organizations table we would love the opportunity to create a mutually beneficial relationship to serve the community and people in the Rio Grande Valley and across Texas! 

We are also asking for donations to help with operating costs for the Jubilee (I. E. Printed educational materials, auction items, banners, posters, etc.) and any profits from the event will go directly to the cemetery preservation. If you can’t contribute with a cash donation, in kind donations of goods, services, or items for the auction are appreciated as well! Thank you for your support, as we continue to grow and progress! 


Organized by Webber Family Preservation Project
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-3789878
[email protected]