Art in the Heart

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0% of $5,000 goal

Donate towards Roni's tuition as she earns a certificate in Non-Profit Leadership through RICE

Embarking on this journey of art and community has been fueled by my unwavering passion for people, the arts, and community development. Now, at a crucial juncture, I recognize the imperative need for my passion to align with knowledge. The tremendous support from my community has been a blessing, motivating me to ensure its sustained growth.


To further enhance my capabilities as a community steward, I am thrilled to share that I have been accepted into the RICE Leadership Institute for Nonprofit Executives (LINE) Certificate program. Over the next 10 months, I am committed to absorbing invaluable knowledge that will empower me to serve my community and the children I work with more effectively. This means I will sacrifice earning hours to invest into a greater future for my family and community in Houston.


However, to undertake this transformative program, there is a tuition fee . As many of you are aware, my dedication to this cause is steadfast, and I have prioritized this work even as three of my boys enter college.

 Your support in the form of a donation towards the tuition would not only be immensely appreciated but is also tax-deductible. Together, let's fortify the foundation of our community and create lasting positive change.

If you would like to learn more about the certification

Organized by Art in the Heart