Jordan Johnson for Kids for Kololo

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15% of $1,000 goal

From the Classroom to the Field: Empowering Kids in Kololo Ethiopia

Hi, my name is Jordan, or Yordanos in Amharic. I’m 13 years old, and I’m Ethiopian-American. My mom was born in Ethiopia but had to leave in 1974 because of a civil war. When she and her family arrived in the United States, they worked hard to rebuild their lives and ensure everyone received the education needed to create better opportunities. My family understands how important education is.

In 2023, my mom, dad, sister, and I traveled to Ethiopia for the first time with the Kids for Kololo team. Kids for Kololo is part of the Tesfa Foundation, which works to improve schools in the Kololo area of Ethiopia.

I was introduced to Kids for Kololo because my sister is one of the founders. I had the chance to sit in on some of their planning meetings at my house, and I even got to help them prepare food for the fundraiser's launch video. The Kids for Kololo team raised money through an art auction, which helped expand the school by building fifth and sixth-grade classrooms. This allows students to finish their primary education and gives them the chance to go on to secondary school. The funds also helped build a small kitchen at the school and provided sports equipment and school supplies.

When I visited Ethiopia as part of the culminating event for the team, I saw how challenging life is for many kids. Some don’t have enough food or the opportunity to go to school. I saw customs officers trying to take the donations we brought at the airport, and I saw children working on farms when they should have been in class. These experiences made me realize how much I take for granted.

But I also saw something incredible. Many of the kids didn’t have real soccer balls, so they made their own out of tied-up plastic bags, banana leaves, strips of cloth, and whatever materials they could find. On nearly every corner, I saw kids playing with these makeshift soccer balls, and despite the hardships they face, they were full of joy. It showed me how these kids are persevering and staying present, no matter what challenges come their way.

I remind myself that “Tesfa” means “hope” in Amharic. By supporting these young children, we can give them hope and a brighter future.

I want to do more to help the kids in Ethiopia have better opportunities. That’s why I’m raising money to support them with food, sports equipment, and a place to learn. As a student-athlete, I know how important it is to be part of a team. So I’m asking you to join my team and help me reach my goal of raising $1,000 for the kids in Kololo, Ethiopia. Every donation will make a big difference.

Will you please donate today and help change a life?

Organized by Jordan Johnson for Kids for Kololo