Friends of Carmel Unified Schools

$ -

45% of $50,000 goal

Carmel High School Robotics

We are The Rockin' Bots, the Robotics Team from Carmel High School. We qualified for the World Robotics Competition when we won the Monterey Regionals. Now, we are in a race against time to raise funds so that our team and the robot we created can participate in the FIRST Robotics World Championship, which will be held in Houston, Texas from April 17 to April 20, 2024. This international event is a celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) as we prepare students for the future. 
Please contribute to help the Carmel High School Robotics team attend the upcoming competition.
Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact.
All funds collected here will be donated directly to the CHS Robotics Club this month. 
We truly appreciate your support!
CHS Robotics would like to thank FOCUS, the Carmel Schools Foundation, for their ongoing leadership to launch new intiatives and positively impact students across our school district.


Organized by Friends of Carmel Unified Schools
[email protected]