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11% of $10,000 goal

2024 KHS After Prom

The Knoxville High School junior class along with their parents, are busy planning and organizing this year's After Prom party. Our goal for the 2024 KHS After Prom Party is to provide a safe, fun, and memorable event for the youth of our community.

Your generosity helps fund activities, food, and prizes at practically no cost to our students.

No matter how big or small your gift is, every donation counts and is greatly appreciated! Special recognition will be given to all donors giving $300 or more.

Each student has set a minimum fundraising goal of $150. Can you help one or more of them to reach their goal or help them move closer to reaching their goal? Thank you in advance for considering a donation!

Questions? Contact a member of the After Prom Fundraising Committee:

Tina Cox [email protected]

Ashley Phillips [email protected]

Sara Finnegan [email protected]

Organized by Knoxville High School After Prom