Knox needs surgery on both of his back legs!
Knox recently started having pain & limping in his hind legs. X-rays revealed that Knox needs urgent surgery on both back legs. The surgery is called Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO). This condition is NOT preventable and the surgery IS necessary.
We have had many rescue dogs go through this surgery and we know where to have it done at the most reasonable price. Even still, it’s very expensive. Each leg will cost $3000 and Knox will have the second surgery as soon as he heals from the first surgery- approximately 3 weeks later.
$6000 is a huge ask, but if a bunch of people chip in, share this post and send good thoughts to Knox and his family….we can get Knox put back together and back to his wonderful life.
Organized by Rescue Texas Resources
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-4416573