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31% of $3,000 goal


We need your help and support, to providing a great opportunity for the Kids

Kids need to fish is an event started by the Warsaw River Rats in 2016. The intent is to get kids from rural and small communities, outside and learn valuable skills. Local, state, and federal agencies teach safety and regulations.

Our KNTF volunteers help to teach a wide range of skills to have a better fishing experience. The KNTF event is held each year on the first Saturday of June. (KNTF 2024 will be June 1st.) It is ABSOLUTELY free for kids 15 and under. Every child walks away with a fishing pole and tackle to keep, a belly feed and a Life time of memories for the family to keep forever.

The KNTF INC is a registered not for profit organization, 501c3. All of our equipment and prizes are donated from local and surrounding businesses and communities.

We are looking for Monetary and physical donations. There are still a handful of items needed, along with the upcoming snagging season we need donations for this. Last year we were able to take 40+ kids out. Our KNTF yearly Big event is Happening June 1st 2024. We need your Help

Our Goals For Kids at the KNTF Events

•Introduce children, who may not otherwise get the opportunity, to go out fishing.

•Get Kids involved to participate, We would like the kids and even the parents to keep coming back to keep learning and bettering there skills.

•Increase the awareness of all participants and help strengthen family relationships and local communities.

•Offer education elements such as angler techniques, ethics, fish identification, and water safety to local youth.

•Provide education and understanding to children about fish and wildlife conservation as a natural resource. The conservation and The core provide reading sources to help educate.

•Develop skills that provide a lifelong hobby.

We need your help to continue pursuing our mission, that’s why we’d like you to consider donating to our group. all proceeds and donations would go towards providing the 2024 and following years with items that would be put towards making this event great for the kids. In return of a donation, we would like to add you to our websites sponsor page, this will also have a direct link to your page.


Organized by Kntf
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 92-3549232
[email protected]