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70% of $5,000 goal

Closing the Year with Impact: Join reTHink's Fundraiser to Support Earth and Community Initiatives!

Beneath the sun's warm, golden ray,

a fountain dances with birds and bees at play.

As daylight wanes, the scene transforms with grace,

a glowing globe takes its celestial place.

A magical journey, made possible by your support,

Can we count on more, to continue this dream?

Dear friends,

As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on the incredible journey we've had together. This year, your unwavering support helped us bring to life the stunning Peace Garden—a sanctuary that breathes life with its fountain, a glowing globe, lush fruit trees, and sustainable features that speak to our commitment to the environment.

Our efforts have touched the lives of hundreds, inspiring both children and adults to connect with nature and take meaningful action. The solar pillars and the giving box made in our plastic up-cycling workshop and installed at 1602 Locust garden stand as a testament to our dedication to sustainability, showcasing products born from creativity and environmental consciousness.

Yet, our journey doesn't end here. As we embrace the spirit of the season, we turn to you for continued support. Your contribution will propel us forward, allowing reTHink to initiate more eco-friendly projects and provide vital support to our community. Join us in making a lasting impact as we soar into the new year with hope and purpose.

Donate today and be a part of reTHink's mission of creating a cleaner, greener, and a healthier community. Together, we can empower children and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all of us.

With gratitude,

Team reTHink


Organized by reTHink
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 47-5214465
[email protected]