Take FLight 21 Inc

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0% of $300,000 goal

Kahleido MMMazing Member

Welcome to your opportunity to be a part of the inspiration and empowerment!  Come alongside Take FLight 21 as we bring "Kahleido: The Whimsical Dance Play Experience to life.  It's about the FREEDOM to know who you are and be who you are so that you can live your dreams according to purpose.  It's filled with fun adventure, color, culture, hope, drama, and tools for success.  Sign up to make a difference today!  Funds that are donated will be distributed to the areas of priority need.  However, if you would like your funds directed to a specific area, please specify in the notes and we will certainly honor your request.  Thank you! Visit  www.TakeFLight21.org


Organized by Take FLight 21 Inc
[email protected]