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7% of $25,000 goal

Kazoo School Annual Fund 2024-2025

Now more than ever... help students thrive and become agents of goodness and change in our world.

Make a donation to the Kazoo School Annual Fund today!

"The Greta Berman Kazoo School sits nestled on the edge of the Kleinstuck nature preserve. This is where I learned the importance of my words, my teachers, and my community. When I moved to Kazoo School the close relationships it brought me let me blossom into the eccentric, eager student that I am. Without engaged, enthusiastic teaching, our innate interest in the world is often tempered: we become indifferent to that which is not directly linked with ourselves. It is the people who have, and always will, make such a place home to me. 

Kazoo is a vibrant place out of some wild story. It is because of Kazoo that I am a student with integrity and momentum who cares for those around me. I understand that my work speaks volumes about my character and continuously craft and recraft my work no matter the subject until it is something I can be proud of. I feed off enthusiasm and create, with or without others, what I find interesting. I am, and will always be, a proud student, a constant learner, a Kazoo kid."

An Alumni Student 




Organized by Kazoo School
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 38-2058301