Brandywine Heights Cheerleading

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21% of $1,000 goal

Breast Cancer Night

On behalf of Shelly Sandom, the Brandywine Heights Cheerleaders are heartwarmingly helping to support her, a former class of 2000 Brandywine Heights Cheerleader and student, by helping to organize a fundraising effort to support women affected by breast cancer. With Shelly’s blessing, we have chosen the organization Unite for HER, which directly helped to provide support, guidance and education to Shelly through their services. All monies collected at the two home soccer games this week on Tuesday and Wednesday will go directly to Unite for Her to continue their efforts with supporting women such as Shelly. 
Direct electronic donations can also be given by the link below. 
Shelly’s story is one that began September 2023, where a 17mm mass was found through her annual mammogram. 

Shelly would like to urge everyone to perform self exams and to be sure to get annual mammograms. While survival rates are increasing with scientific advancements, cases of breast cancer in younger women are also rising.


Please help us in supporting women diagnosed with breast cancer!

Organized by Brandywine Heights Cheerleading