Project Amazonas

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186% of $2,000 goal

Support Conservation, Health Care and Education in the Amazon Rainforest

100% of all donations are used for conservation, education and medical-care activities in Iquitos, Peru, and the surrounding rainforest areas

We work to protect and preserve the rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon. Our boat-based medical service campaigns and support of rural schools help ensure that local residents - the people who best know and value the rainforest - can stay in their communities and have a better quality of life while learning to sustainably utilize and protect the lungs of the planet. We welcome medical and other volunteers, and host academic courses, researchers and ecotourists at our field stations in Peru. We are a 501(c)3 organization legally registered in both the USA and in Peru, but we have zero paid staff in the USA, and directors and board members all volunteer our time and efforts. Thank you for your past support, particularly during the Covid-19 shutdown which greatly impacted our activities in the Amazon. Fortunately we are now able to conduct the full range of conservation, education and medical activities in the rainforest, as Peru currently has one of the highest vaccination rates for Covid-19 in the world. That is not a surprise considering the brutal impact that Covid had on the population - once vaccinations became available, greater than 92% of the population opted for the jab. 


Organized by Project Amazonas
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 65-0515019