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88% of $5,000 goal

Loving Hearts Foundation for Africa

Operating a school with 167 students and staff in rural Uganda is a costly endeavor, but it is a mission that Loving Hearts Foundation for Africa (LHFA) passionately undertakes! The children we serve are among the most impoverished, with many being orphans facing a bleak future without your support. These children desperately need access to education to break free from the cycle of poverty, along with the Gospel to bring true hope and freedom from the grips of witchcraft and Islam.


With your help, we can create a brighter future for these children by ensuring they receive the education they deserve.  (Monthly giving info - scroll down)


Your contributions will be used to:

  • Clear the property around the new classroom and latrine buildings for safety and play.
  • Support our farming project to provide food for the school.
  • Cover monthly operational costs to keep the school running smoothly.

100% of your donation goes directly to our mission in Uganda.


MONTHLY GIVING: Would you also consider becoming a monthly partner? Please go here: https://givebutter.com/LovingHeartsFoundationforAfricaMonthlypartner For just $25 a month, you can ensure a child receives two meals a day and a Christian education. Your monthly partnership can make a life-changing difference for a child in extreme poverty. THANK YOU!


Our future goal is to extend our education services from Pre-K through 7th grade. Would you consider joining God's work through LHFA?  This is a powerful way to make a life-changing impact on a child living in extreme poverty.


Website: https://lovingheartsfoundationforafrica.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovingheartsfoundationforafrica


Loving Hearts Foundation for Africa (LHFA) is a gospel-driven organization dedicated to uplifting vulnerable communities in Africa through education and spiritual support. With God’s guidance and donor generosity, we have:

  • Constructed and operate a Christian primary school for 167 children (Pre-K to 4th grade).
  • Purchased five acres of farmland, harvested twice a year to provide school meals.
  • Drilled a deep borehole well providing year-round clean water for the entire community.
  • Purchased 2.6 acres to expand the school, recently constructing additional classroom space.

Together, we can transform lives and bring hope to those who need it most!


Loving Hearts Foundation for Africa   

PO Box 606  

Nine Mile Falls,  WA  99026


Organized by Loving Hearts Foundation for Africa
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 85-1017126
[email protected]