Organized by GreenHome Institute
How to choose which LIHTC Green Program
Tuesday, March 12th, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
Live Stream
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Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Programs help ensure affordable and healthy housing for occupants while reducing carbon emissions compared to conventional codes; required green building certifications ensure more favorable outcomes. How do you know which green program to choose for your LIHTC project? We will review the main programs available in most states, LEED for Homes, Enterprise Green Communities, and the National Green Building Standard, and how to choose based on project type and goals. We will also discuss bonus programs like LEED Zero, DOE Zero Energy Ready, and Passive House. These can help some applications become more competitive and align with the Inflation Reduction Act tax credits and utility incentives. Who should attend? Developers, owners, lenders, architects, construction firms, investors, government housing agencies, and raters. While this session will primarily focus on the State of Michigan's LIHTC program, many other states have similar rules, so it should be beneficial for others. This should also be beneficial for projects that are not LIHTC but are still trying to decide which green program to choose. Continuing Education Units (CEUS) submitted 1 hour in* Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) Building Performance Institute (BPI) NonWholeHouse Submitted for American Institute of Architects - AIA (HSW) Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP) Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP) Pillar(s): Energy, Health, Materials, Water, Place American Institute of Building Designers (AIBD) State Architect / Builder License may be applicable Building Science Institute (BSI) Verifier Passive House Consultant US (CPHC) Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) Presenter Brett Little is the Education Manager at the GreenHome Institute and has provided consultation, rating, and verification services on nearly 50 LIHTC projects in his 15-year tenure. His experience includes new construction, adaptive reuse, renovation, and all green certification programs. His goal is to help you understand which program to choose so you can focus on building a better building and help alleviate the housing crises. GHI Program Manager Eliza Searles will join Brett. Lessons Learn 1. Review how LIHTC programs prioritize healthy housing environments for occupants by incorporating features like good ventilation and using non-toxic building materials, which can help improve the overall health of residents. How is this determined in the LEED BD+C V4 Requirements IN Preliminary Rating. 2. Understand by requiring green building certifications, LIHTC programs ensure that buildings meet safety standards and how this is ensured from design to build through the LEED For Homes BD+C V4 Credit IP: Integrative Process to determine which green program works best for your project. 3. Articulate how LIHTC programs provide affordable housing & utilities for low-income households, improving residents' overall welfare by ensuring they have access to safe, decent, and affordable housing. 4. Analyze the green building programs through the lens of the LEED For Homes BD+C V4 Credit IP: Integrative Process to determine which green program works best for your project.