Camp L.I.T. Donations

In James 1:27, We are reminded and commanded...”to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”

Would you please consider helping support Camp L.I.T. and our mission with a financial gift?

Camp L.I.T. is a 501(C)3, Your tax-deductible financial gift would help us provide an unforgettable camping experience for teens! Camp L.I.T. (Living In Truth) provides Gender-based summer camps for at-risk youth ages 12-15 and a Co-Ed camp for ages 16-18. We offer a safe place for them to enjoy being a child and to learn to grow as a person, leader, and friend. For many
youth, due to no fault of their own, life is a series of changes from temporary home to another. They have been on the receiving end of physical, sexual, mental abuse and neglect. Leaving behind siblings, special pets and favorite belongings manifests itself in behavioral and medical issues which make attending other summer camps difficult.

Just 4 days at Camp L.I.T. brings transformation from heartbreak to hope in the teens we serve in Kansas. We call these SOTO’s - Story of the One – where each teen has his/her own unique life story to tell and deserves to be heard.

In 4 short years, 179 at-risk youth have been served and shown Christ’s love by Camp L.I.T. volunteers through 8 summer camps, year-round mentoring, and quarterly social events.

Reflections by our Campers/Event Participants:
 “This has been the best 4 days of my life!”
 “Can I stay at Camp? Do I have to go home?”
 “This feels like family.”
 “I don’t have a dad, but if I did, I’d want him to be like you”

Testimonials from parents:
 “Karlee had such an amazing time and feels really inspired by everything that she asked me if she was allowed to do a fund raiser to help with camp next year? I have never seen her in such a positive mood before and I just want to thank you all!”
 “Thank you so much to you and your LIT CAMP crew!!! Lee’Linn and Jayden had a great time! They felt the love of Christ shine through in every aspect of camp!!!! May God bless everyone real good for loving up on our boys!!!! Rest Up!!”
 “Want to say thank you from the bottom of our heart for someone taking time out with Elijah thank you very much”

Our goal: We pray to host 90 campers, 30 campers at each of our 3 camps.

Our cost to house, feed, provide a bible, transportation, t-shirts, toiletries, sling backpacks, arts and craft supplies, canoeing, music, archery, challenge course facilitation among other activities and supplies needed to conduct a fun and safe camp (see is $69,750. That cost is $775 per camper.

We thank you in advance for partnering with us and helping us offer hope to these deserving teens! We appreciate your generosity. 

“...Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For
even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for man. Mark 10:43-45

~Empowering teens to see light in the darkness and hope for their future~

Other Donation Options: 
Venmo @Camp-Lit
Checks - Camp L.I.T. - 7208 Hackberry Circle, Manhattan, KS 66503

Organized by Camp L.I.T. Inc
[email protected]