Support Lake Washington High School Dance Team 2022/2023

Help our dancers shine this season and continue their state winning legacy!



130 Supporters

83% of $12,000 goal

Team Members


Gillian Pribic


17 Supporters


Addison Haferman


12 Supporters


Olivia Schuster


10 Supporters


Piper Begley


12 Supporters


Madeline Edgar


8 Supporters


Mia Karlinsky


5 Supporters


Iris Burakovskiy


7 Supporters


Isabella Vergara-Nguyen


7 Supporters


Brooke North


8 Supporters


Zoe Boeger


7 Supporters


Grace Ross


7 Supporters


Emily Lin


3 Supporters




130 Supporters

83% of $12,000 goal


Juanita Cheer made a $25 donation

over 2 years ago

Good luck with competition this season!

Grace Ross received a $50 donation from Sigrid T Ross

over 2 years ago

Keep up your enthusiasm

Anonymous made a donation

over 2 years ago


Piper Begley received a $20 donation from Madame Kern

over 2 years ago

Donating to to all of my students, past and present, that are part of this amazing team. You ROCK!

Mia Karlinsky received a $20 donation from Ms. Ring

over 2 years ago

Donating to each of my students, past and present. You ROCK!
Anonymous loved this

Sasha Ivanova received a $20 donation from Ms. Ring

over 2 years ago

Donating to each of my students, past and present. You ROCK!
Anonymous loved this

Iris Burakovskiy received a $20 donation from Ms. Ring

over 2 years ago

Donating to each of my students, past and present. You ROCK!
Anonymous loved this

Alex Arrollado received a $20 donation from Ms. Ring

over 2 years ago

Donating to each of my students, past and present. You ROCK!!
Sara and 2 others

Lake Washington High School Dance Team Booster Club logo

Lake Washington High School Dance Team Booster Club

Sponsored by: Lake Washington High School Booster Club

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 20-3440935

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