Organized by Empathy is the Remedy Foundation
2025 Wreath Retirement and Clean Up
Saturday, January 11th, 7:00 AM PST
In Person
On Saturday, January 11, 2025 - we will be retiring and cleaning up the wreaths that were placed. We need as many volunteers as possible to ensure they are removed properly and in a timely manner. Starts at 0700 hrs. - meet at Amphitheater for quick briefing. Event will last until all wreaths are retired. We encourage participants to wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for working outdoors - Work gloves are recommended. If you have a pick up truck and/or cargo vehicle, please consider bringing that with you as we need help hauling the wreaths to the large onsite bins. We need to pick up all wreaths in all sections. Majority of wreaths are placed in and around sections 12 thru 20 - so please start there first. Check adjacent sections but there are wreaths spread in all sections of the cemetery. Please sweep through all sections. Picked up wreaths must be brought to the Recycle Bins. We have volunteers with Pick Up trucks that will make rounds to the sections. Collect wreaths at the side of the roads and help load into Pick Up Trucks. Drivers please use Hazard lights to maintain safety and help identify our volunteer vehicles. Recycle Bins are located in dirt holding lot behind Lake C and Medal of Honor Circle. Please download and see map for details: It contains important notes and highlighted areas. The admin team plans to arrive at 0630 hrs to set up our "command post" at the Amphitheater – come see us there if you need assistance or have questions. We are ON, Rain or Shine!! Thank you, Empathy is the Remedy Foundation WAA Volunteer Location Coordinator Riverside National Cemetery