Rainbow Wellness Collective

Leadership Circle Members

Our Mission: 

To foster a vibrant and inclusive environment where individuals of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community thrive, find empowerment, and lead fulfilling and affirming lives through our comprehensive range of services, dynamic programming, and robust community engagement initiatives.

Why Donate?

Donations directly contribute to this community center's goals and initiatives, whether support groups, health and wellness programs, partnered services, or events. Each donation ensures that we can provide these at a low cost.

How Your Donation Helps

  • 80%: Directly funds LGBTQ+ programs and services.
  • 15%: Covers administrative costs to ensure smooth operation.
  • 5%: Invested in outreach and community engagement initiatives.

Ways to Give

  1. One-Time Donation: Give a one-time donation.
  2. Monthly Giving: Become a sustaining supporter by setting up a monthly donation.
  3. Corporate Matching: Check if your employer matches donations to amplify your impact.

Other Ways to Support

  • Volunteer: Complete this form if you are interested in volunteering. https://forms.gle/k9DFxkwYfYacpAcY6
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission on social media and with friends and family.

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Organized by Rainbow Wellness Collective