Help us strengthen children, families, and individuals to build and enhance thriving communities.
Proceeds from SAL's 28th Annual Little Bogey's Golf Classic will be invested in children, families, and individuals through SAL's high-quality early care and education programs, child care resource and referral programs, and services for immigrants, refugees and English-language learners.
We dedicate the entire Little Bogey's Event to our Birdies for Charity Campaign for Bird #27 - which means that ALL sponsorships and donations to SAL Community Services Little Bogey's Golf Classic go even further – thanks to our partnership with the John Deere Classic Birdies for Charity, SAL Community Services will receive a minimum of a 5% / maximum of 10% percent match from Birdies for Charity! The best part is that ALL funds come back to SAL Community Services to invest into our mission!
Your support will help SAL deliver services to ensure that our communities thrive.
In 2023, community support for the Little Bogey’s Golf Classic fundraiser gave nearly $35,000 back to support school-age children attending our Skip-a-Long Childhood Centers.
Join us to help a good cause and enjoy a day on the course!
Oakwood Country Club, 1067 US Hwy 6, Coal Valley, IL 61240
Monday, May 13, 2024
Registration/Boxed Lunches: 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Shotgun start: Noon
Golfing: Noon - ~5 p.m.
Networking & Social Hour: Post-golf round till banquet
Awards Banquet Dinner: Immediately following the completion of tournament golf round.
Sponsorships and volunteer opportunities still available. Donations of prizes, silent auction and
raffle items are also welcome!
Asa Hello I will like to support your campaign Kindly message me on my professional profile
7 months ago