The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley Inc

The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley

The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that operates primarily on donations and grant funding. We do receive some funding to operate WV Birth to Three RAU2, but it is not enough to sustain our many programs. We are dedicated to ensuring satisfying and productive lives for children and adults with developmental disabilities through programs and services that empower, assist, and encourage them to live, learn, work, worship, and play….with others in their community!

Our vision is to be positioned as the premier organization that promotes the well-being of and ensures a satisfying and productive life for children and adults with intellectual, cognitive, and related developmental disabilities.

This supports our mission to support people with developmental disabilities at all stages of life to reach their full potential. 

We invite you to help us through your one time or monthly donations. 



Organized by The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 55-0451401