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119% of $1,000 goal

Choose Now!

Here’s what’s at stake:

Embrace Vatican II more fully or become a backward looking Church.  Latin anyone?

Accept more clericalism, cover-up, and abuses or adopt co-responsibility in governance?  Does authoritarian without accountability appeal to you?

Build a bunker and protect what was or open wide the tent and welcome what is.  Love like Jesus or no?

Look out into the world for those who need the Lord’s touch or look inward and miss Jesus, there in the last, the lost and the least.  Maintenance or mission?

Accept there’s no hope or invest in being the change you want to see.  Despair or hope?


Don’t sit on the sidelines, waiting to see what will happen.  Now is the time to choose.  Push that rock with us!


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed 


Organized by Pentecost Vigil Project, Inc.
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 37-2047841
[email protected]