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69% of $15,000 goal

Northfield Track & Field 2023

Hi all,

We appreciate any generous donation to our track & field program! We are aiming to raise $15,000. Our team is extremely large this year as over 200 kids have signed up and with that we hired more amazing coaches to help give attention to all these student-athletes. With the territory also comes more equipment and various costs that are needed to operate such a large team. 

Our rough budget is below

Coaches Pay $6,000

Starting Blocks and Block Cart $2,500

Meet Costs $1,000

Banquet $3,000

Senior Gifts $2,500

Throwing Equipment $750

Recovery Modalities $1,750

Misc $2,500

Total $20,000

We will also be raising approximately $5,000 from the home meet we are hosting. 

Organized by NHS Athletics