Valor Foundation is the non-profit wing of Valor Farms, based out of Waukesha County, WI.
There are two main focuses of the foundation. First is our commitment to the education of both conservation of our natural resources and also the process of sustainable farming. We will be working with other non-profits and schools to build and implement hydroponic and aquaponic farming in their curriculum.
We will also focus a lot on researching and developing more sustainable farming methods within both hydroponics and aquaponics. However, our main focus will be in the conservation of Wisconsin game fish, rainbow trout and yellow perch.
Lake Michigan has been devastated by overfishing of yellow perch, making it virtually impossible to consume any local perch. Valor Foundation already has a small stock of approximately 150 yellow perch that we will be using as breeding stock to eventually develop a more sustainable and successful breeding program. The purpose of this program will not only be to raise these fish for consumption and sales, but also to work with the state to help re-populate our local waters.
Organized by Valor Foundation