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72% of $1,500 goal

Giving Project: Keswick Chapel Repairs

Our Chapel theme this year is “Be Made New in Christ”, where we are focusing on being “Made New in Community, Love, and Thought.” In this spirit, our Giving Project this year is coming alongside Keswick Christian to support their efforts in rebuilding and repairing recent hurricane damage.

Our former SFC elementary librarian, Kelli Addink, who now teaches at Keswick, has shared that their school campus, including their chapel, suffered significant damage and need extensive repairs. This year's Giving Project is an opportunity for us to help restore this important part of their school community.

Thank you for partnering with us as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 


Organized by Sioux Falls Christian School
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 46-0340024
[email protected]