Saving South Texas Street Dogs

A huge part of our day to day operation has become helping the dogs in the San Diego, Texas, shelter and helping independent rescuers in rural south Texas towns with the endless line of street dogs and stray cats. 

We have started the Street Dog Fund to help  dogs and cats like Cash, and Brady, and Penelope. Dogs who come to us so broken that sometimes all we can do is give them comfort for the end of their time on earth. 

When we take in south Texas street dogs, they come to us without any vetting, and usually starving or with some kind of injury. Costs add up quickly because we typically have to see a specialist or emergency vet. 

There are Good Samaritans in these towns who try to help, but they are overwhelmed and overstretched because of the shear number of loose animals. 

Our plan is to always have money in this fund so we can help these dire cases when we are called. These funds will be earmarked to help this population and the generous people who do their best with the few resources and little help that they have.

Help us be the voice to the voiceless. Donate today and help us save lives.


Organized by Saving South Texas
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 92-0477117