OJCYF is a program of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation. Its mission is to empower Jewish teenagers to take action that aligns with their Jewish values and to establish a culture of giving as future community leaders. OJCYF encourages discussion and application of Jewish values by giving teens the responsibility to fundraise and grant money to Jewish and secular nonprofit organizations.

The program is designed to encourage a lifelong passion for Jewish philanthropy and social activism. Through OJCYF, students develop a deep understanding of the importance of nonprofit organizations and their inner workings. The students evaluate local organizations through in-depth site visits, and plan and lead an annual fundraising event.

OJCYF entrusts its teen members to decide how the money they raise will be granted to the community through a Jewish lens. These empowered teens learn how to be passionate, confident, mature leaders as they develop into responsible citizens with a lifelong commitment to Jewish philanthropy.

Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 93-1019725