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122% of $6,500 goal

Keep Codex Going Strong

Codex is an amazing resource for SFF writers -- but keeping Codex running is not cheap! Help keep Codex financially stable for the long term by donating today.


From contests like Weekend Warrior, to advice on a slew of writing and publishing topics, to much-needed moral support, there are a huge number of ways that Codex helps--all of this for free to members.


It currently costs about $3,000 a year to run, including expenses like web hosting, and Moksha for the contests. We're committed to keeping Codex accessible and FREE for all members (no membership fees, ever!) which is why we're asking for donations to help meet these costs and shore up our funding.


Because Codex is now a nonprofit (under Dream Foundry's sponsorship), all donations are tax deductible where permitted by law. Please donate to keep Codex going strong and helping new writers for years to come!


Organized by Dream Foundry
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 83-0876455