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20% of $30,000 goal

2024 Fundraising

Join us in our vision to create a world where all students love learning! At Wings for Learning, our mission is to “provide individualized academic and social intervention and support to enable every student to recognize their strengths, advocate for themselves, and use functional strategies when needed.” We are passionate about not just teaching students what to learn, but HOW to learn. Unfortunately, socio-economic barriers and historical marginalization prevent many students from accessing the specialized educational opportunities they need. That's why we need your support. By joining forces with us, you can help break down these barriers and bridge the educational divide.

This year alone, we are set to provide scholarships and subsidies that cover nearly 700 hours of dyslexia intervention and 140 hours of social support. This includes a partnership with Yellowstone Academy where we will provide dyslexia intervention to their middle school students. This charter school provides high-quality education to students living in and around the Third Ward in Houston, TX. Focusing on students living under the poverty line, nearly 96% of Yellowstone students qualify for free lunch and 3% are homeless. Yellowstone aims to prepare students for university studies and career-readiness, and by providing best practice dyslexia interventions, Wings for Learning hopes to be one step closer to creating the equitable educational environment these students deserve. If you would like more information about Yellowstone Schools, please visit their website.

Your contribution will help us provide additional scholarships and subsidies and expand our programming, widening our net of support and ensuring that deserving students from all backgrounds can benefit from our transformative programs, including dyslexia and dyscalculia intervention, executive function strategies, social support, and leadership and entrepreneurial skill training. Your tax-deductible donation, no matter the size, can make a significant impact on the lives of our students. We will provide updates on the progress of this campaign and the hardworking students who will receive intervention. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community!

We also recognize the importance of spreading awareness about our mission and impact. Please consider sharing this link to your family and friends. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.


Organized by Wings for Learning
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-4021350
[email protected]