Slated for Grace Ministries

SEEDS: Planting God’s Purposes Into Everyday Life

Did you know there is a major theme of planting throughout our scriptures? Indeed, there is, and these "seeds" are actually what the Lord uses to reconnect us to the purpose he planted within humanity from the very beginning! 
Each session will "dig in" (get it?) to all kinds of scriptures - from Genesis to Revelation - in order to help you rediscover why you are here and what this life is truly about. (I promise, his purpose for you will apply to every area of your day-to-day life… even the laundry.)

The suggested donation for one download of this study is $15. However, because we want to ensure there is no financial barrier to studying the Word of God, please prayerfully donate what you can.


Also FYI...the top 10% of all giving is tithed back into other nonprofit ministries that seek to encourage, heal, and transform the lives of women and their families in Jesus’ Name.


Thank you for supporting Slated for Grace!

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* Slated for Grace is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 99-1047419.


Organized by Slated for Grace Ministries